Hemang Saraiya is a Maui-based event planner and photographer with 10+ years of experience, whose passion to document the world around him started when he was handed his first disposable camera at the age of 5. He also plans and executes events for a variety of clients and purposes.

Today, Hemang's portfolio has diversified through his many excursions around the world and through his participation in unique moments. These include fashion shows, weddings, engagements, brand & charity events.

The work is vivid, bright, crisp and provides a unique point of view that "goes against the grain." Each event and client execution is one of a kind and does not mimic his past efforts.

As a personal goal, Hemang posted one photo a day from 2012-2016, not only to invigorate his photography passion even farther but also to motivate himself to make each day matter.  


© 2023 hemang saraiya. all rights reserved